A fantastic, one-pan, vegetarian winter warmer I love this fennel and borlotti bean cassoulet. SERVES: 4 PREP TIME: 5 mins COOK TIME: 45 mins DIFFICULTY: easy IDEAL...
An easy, quick vegetarian pasta that’s perfect on colder days Warm yourself up with this wintery pappardelle with greens and yoghurt recipe SERVES: 2-3 PREP...
The ultimate comforting vegetarian lasagne This butternut squash and tomato lasagne are one of my favourite vegetarian dishes. SERVES: 4 PREP TIME: 5 mins COOK...
A quick, satisfying, tasty vegetarian midweek meal This delicious mushroom and broccoli pasta is made even easier with the use of Yondu Vegetable umami. SERVES: 2...
Two delicious versions of ‘pigs in blankets’; meat lovers and vegetarian lovers Everyone loves Christmas snacks so try these tasty versions of halloumi in blankets...