Sweet, juicy, salty, deliciousness
Get this sweet, juicy, creamy, salty, grilled peaches & prosciutto with burrata salad made…
And bring happiness to your guests.
PREP TIME: 20 mins
IDEAL FOR: crowd-pleaser, family, sharing dish
It’s that time of year again
The family stay-cation!
This is when 12+ family members descend on our Devon home.
And we hang out for 7 days chatting, cooking, swimming, swooshing and just generally enjoying time with one another.
Obviously, last year, we had to cancel due to Covid.
This year, we’re back on but have ordered NHS lateral flow tests for everyone to do pre-arrival, on arrival and during stay-cay.
So, it’s not quite back to normal but we’ll take it!
The family stay-cay
This came into the summer holiday calendar the year we bought our house.
We had to break it to the boys that there were no holidays for a couple of years.
And for the short term, we needed to focus on the house, our home.
However, we’d invite the family to a ‘stay-cation’.
They were sold on the idea.
And it was fantastic!… even though the weather didn’t always comply.
The funny this is, they still want to have the stay-cay.
Bearing in my we’re now 7 years in and some are at Uni, others almost finishing school.
And if I ever mention, perhaps this is the last year so they can be free to do their own things…
Well, it’s as if I’ve told them, we’ve unplugged the Wifi… and you know that’s saying something!
So, here we are.
Soon, to start the 7th Annual Gunstone Family Stay-cation.
The only difference is…
They’re A LOT bigger!
And they’re hungrier.
Oh, and we have a lot more veggies in the mix.
So, organising food for a crowd of growing, hungry, young people.
And that covers both meat eaters and veggies, which can be challenging.
To say the least.
Cooking for a crowd
The one thing we’ve implemented with great success is shared cooking.
So, each night, a team of 2 have to cook up a storm for the rest of the family.
Some even throw in an amazing pudding!
Although, one year 2 of the family members decided to treat us to a chocolate and strawberry dessert.
And we were still finding bits of melted choc through the kitchen weeks later.
The key for easy crowd cooking is my go-to one pan, slow-cook recipes.
(some faves include Bloody Mary brisket, Indian lime lamb shoulder, Hungarian goulash)
They just mean no stress, great-tasting food and very few pans.
The new complication to our stay-cation.
We’ve transformed over the years with our eating habits.
And a lot of the younger generation have become vegetarians.
Which is fine… except, if I’m honest, it was a lot easier when we were all on the same ‘food page’.
However, we are all saving the planet in many ways and this is their way.
The good news is, by having a variety of different tastes, I have had to expand my repertoire.
And that is a good thing.
The key is also finding recipes that can easily be adapted to both veggie and meat.
So both sides of the family are happy.
And the cook isn’t going insane with a thousand pots and pans on the go.
(And, let’s not forget the designated pot-washer for the evening).

Grilled peaches & prosciutto with burrata
This little recipe does just the job with easy adaptions.
It’s perfect for a light lunch during stay-cay.
Or a great sharing salad in the evening.
And the only thing we have to do is a platter without the ham
Et voila. Simples.
The juicy sweet peaches work really well with the creamy burrata.
And for us meat eaters, the salty ham sets the whole dish off.
Grilled peaches & prosciutto with burrata
- 3 peaches, ripe but firm-ish, halved and stoned
- olive oil
- 1 packet Merchant Gourmet Freekeh (buy online – it's pre-cooked so is a great cheat) (or sub. in some handfuls of rocket (or any other salad green you can find)
- 6 slices, prosciutto
- 1 burrato ball (sub. in a gooey mozzarella if you can't get burrato)
- small bunch of basil
- 2 tbsp pine nuts, toasted
- fresh, crusty bread to serve alongside (optional)
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar (substitute: For 1 tbsp, substitute 1 tbsp cider vinegar or red wine vinegar plus ½ tsp sugar or sub in white wine vinegar or rice wine vinegar)
- 1 tsp runny honey
- 1 red chilli, finely chopped
- 1/2 garlic clove
- For the dressing, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar and honey in a bowl then stir in the chilli and garlic. Put to the side.
- Brush the peach halves with oil then place down into a griddle or frying pan, on high heat, until charred and caramelised on the surface.
- Dress the platter: Scatter the Freekeh (or rocket/salad leaves), drape over the prosciutto ham, add the peaches and sit the burrata in the middle. Next, take out the garlic clove from the dressing then spoon over everything. Scatter over the basil and pine nuts, and serve with crusty, fresh bread
Inspired by Olive Magazine