A rich, spicy tomato sauce with big creamy butterbeans If you love arrabbiata sauce with pasta then you’ll love bean arrabbiata too. SERVES: 3PREP TIME: 5...
A delicious meat-free meal in under 20 minutes This lovely recipe, chickpea, tomato and harissa stew is from Bold Beans. Serves: 2 Prep Time: 5 mins Cook Time: 20...
Enjoy seasonal flavours with simple ingredients Seasonal asparagus wrapped in prosciutto on butter beans is a winning dish all Spring. SERVES: 2 -3 PREP/COOK TIME: less than...
Midweek meals never tasted so good This midweek one-pan sausage, roasted squash, and gnocchi is a real family crowd-pleaser. SERVES: 4 PREP TIME: 5 mins...