Upgrade your toad-in-the-hole with roasted butternut squash An upgrade on the (already) classic, delicious toad-in-the-hole, try butternut squash in toad-in-the-hole. PREP TIME: 5 minsCOOKING TIME:...
A soul-warming, flavoursome dish that will become a family favourite. This is simplicity at its best combining chickpea and pappardelle with an unctuous soup base....
The ultimate comforting vegetarian lasagne This butternut squash and tomato lasagne are one of my favourite vegetarian dishes. SERVES: 4 PREP TIME: 5 mins COOK...
This is a flavour-fuelled, nutrient-packed, inexpensive meal Lamb’s liver with creamy spinach on sourdough is perfect when we’re all facing Putin’s-cost-of-living-hike. Thanks Vladimir. SERVES: 4 PREP...