Full of flavour and utterly delicious Looking for an inexpensive, impressive, tasty dish, look no further than slow-cooked beef short ribs. PREP TIME: 10 minsCOOKING TIME: 3...
Decadent, delicious and all made with leftovers Tim’s lamb leftovers hot pot with a dauphinoise potato top is epic. SERVES: 6PREP TIME: 10 minsCOOKING TIME: 3 hrs...
Winner, winner, meat pie dinner I couldn’t resist that but you shouldn’t resist this grass-fed lamb, pea and mint pie dish. It’s delicious. And it’s...
Deeply flavourful Jamaican stew loaded with tender oxtail and butter beans If you want maximum flavour and a food hug, then make this Jamaican oxtail...
A zesty tomato, lentil soup Enjoy the flavours of Morocco with this Moroccan-style lamb, tomato and lentil soup. SERVES: 4 PREP TIME: 10 mins COOKING...
A hands-off, low and slow, melt-in-your-mouth dish Make your next gathering tasty and easy with Brisket, caramelised fennel and white beans SERVES: 6 – 8...