February is coming to an end so it’s time to figure out what’s in season in March?
So, we all know eating locally sourced food is really the way forward.
Or actually, it’s the way back because this is what we used to do until market globalisation.
Not only is it better for our planet by shortening the supply chain.
It’s also good for us.
And now, it’s time to start leading the 100% grass-fed beef revolution.
Well, it’s not a revolution but it would be supporting farmers who are putting huge effort into making farming part of a better climate.
Rather than being a cause of climate change.
And if it all sounds confusing, then start here with a few interesting posts.
Why eating in season is good
Economical: eating fruit and veg when there are loads of it around means it will be sold cheaper than in off-season.
Health benefits: food that is in season contain the nutrients and minerals that our bodies need at a particular time of year.
e.g. butternut squash and apples are in season in autumn/winter – they are packed with Vitamin C so help keep away horrid winter colds (except maybe the ‘pandemic-type).
Tastes better: which makes obvious sense.
Mass-produced fruit and veg tend to suffer from a lack of flavour.
Large commercial farms are about volume and often they have adapted the produce to look uniform and have a better shelf life so flavour slides.
I’m not, going to lie, it’s a bit of an intermittent month.
You’re kind of waiting for spring and all the goodies that it will bring.
But fear not, there are still some nice things in season.
London’s Borough Market The market traders provide incredible fresh veg to restaurants and Londoners
What’s in season: March
FRUIT | Rhubarb |
VEGETABLES | Asparagus Artichoke Beetroot Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Cucumber Jersey Royal New Potatoes Kale Leeks – end of season Parsnip Peppers – coming into season Purple Sprouting Broccoli Radishes Savoy Cabbage Sorrel Spinach Spring Greens Spring Onions – coming into season Swede Watercress |
MEAT | Venison (wild red deer) Beef Chicken Pork Rabbit Farmed venison Wood pigeon |
Check out more What’s in Season? here

What is your favourite vegetable to rustle something up in March? Leave a comment.

I’m linking this up with CookBlogShare
Reference: PennyGoLightly